Gagauz Wine 1L
Cabernet red semisweet 1L
Cabernet red semisweet 1L
The birthplace of the wine series "GAGAUZ WINE" is solar Gagauzia. Only the best grapes become the basis of this wine, which has a special pleasant taste, unsurpassed aroma and a long aftertaste. In every throat of this wine - a piece of hot summer, sunny heat and the soul of an experienced winemaker.
Chardonnay white semisweet 1L
Chardonnay white semisweet 1L
The birthplace of the wine series "GAGAUZ WINE" is solar Gagauzia. Only the best grapes become the basis of this wine, which has a special pleasant taste, unsurpassed aroma and a long aftertaste. In every throat of this wine - a piece of hot summer, sunny heat and the soul of an experienced winemaker.
Other wines
Cabernet red semisweet 1L
Cabernet red semisweet 1L
The birthplace of the wine series "GAGAUZ WINE" is solar Gagauzia. Only the best grapes become the basis of this wine, which has a special pleasant taste, unsurpassed aroma and a long aftertaste. In every throat of this wine - a piece of hot summer, sunny heat and the soul of an experienced winemaker.
Chardonnay white semisweet 1L
Chardonnay white semisweet 1L
The birthplace of the wine series "GAGAUZ WINE" is solar Gagauzia. Only the best grapes become the basis of this wine, which has a special pleasant taste, unsurpassed aroma and a long aftertaste. In every throat of this wine - a piece of hot summer, sunny heat and the soul of an experienced winemaker.