Tomai Tradition 1L
Cabernet red semidry 1L
Cabernet red semidry 1L
A glass of traditional house wine is a symbol of cordiality and hospitality. The wine series "TOMAY TRADITION" in the original bottle reminiscent of a jug will turn any home feast into a holiday. Cabernet, Merlot, Chardonnay, Sauvignon, Muscat ... whatever wine you choose, it will surely be remembered by your guests!
Chardonnay white dry 1L
Chardonnay white dry 1L
A glass of traditional house wine is a symbol of cordiality and hospitality. The wine series "TOMAY TRADITION" in the original bottle reminiscent of a jug will turn any home feast into a holiday. Cabernet, Merlot, Chardonnay, Sauvignon, Muscat ... whatever wine you choose, it will surely be remembered by your guests!
Merlot red dry 1L
Merlot red dry 1L
A glass of traditional house wine is a symbol of cordiality and hospitality. The wine series "TOMAY TRADITION" in the original bottle reminiscent of a jug will turn any home feast into a holiday. Cabernet, Merlot, Chardonnay, Sauvignon, Muscat ... whatever wine you choose, it will surely be remembered by your guests!
Other wines
Cabernet red semidry 1L
Cabernet red semidry 1L
A glass of traditional house wine is a symbol of cordiality and hospitality. The wine series "TOMAY TRADITION" in the original bottle reminiscent of a jug will turn any home feast into a holiday. Cabernet, Merlot, Chardonnay, Sauvignon, Muscat ... whatever wine you choose, it will surely be remembered by your guests!
Chardonnay white dry 1L
Chardonnay white dry 1L
A glass of traditional house wine is a symbol of cordiality and hospitality. The wine series "TOMAY TRADITION" in the original bottle reminiscent of a jug will turn any home feast into a holiday. Cabernet, Merlot, Chardonnay, Sauvignon, Muscat ... whatever wine you choose, it will surely be remembered by your guests!